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 Ethiopia. Topography and provinces 1971 Ethiopia. DA Henderson, AJ Hajian, K Weithaler, C de Quadros 1972 Ethiopia. K Weithaler C de Quadros,  DA Henderson 1971 Ethiopia. de Quadros, Hajian, Henderson; Skelton  Ethiopia. Highlands  Ethiopia. Highland road 1976 Ethiopia. Gara Mulata  Ethiopia. Danakil desert  Ethiopia. Danakil desert huts 1976 Ethiopia. Camel  Ethiopia. M Strassburg, C de Quadros  Ethiopia. Picnic 1972 Ethiopia. G Bartley, C de Quadros, T Kasa 1972 Ethiopia. J Siemon, S Porterfield 1972 Ethiopia. T Temelso, V Radke, L Landkame, G Bartley 1972 Ethiopia. Tamairu, T Temelso, L Heckman 1972 Ethiopia. J Lepkowski, DA Henderson, sanitarians 1971 Ethiopia. Hut in Danakil desert 1971 Ethiopia. A Bayar taking information 1971 Ethiopia. Afar woman 1971 Ethiopia. A Bayar, translator 1971 Ethiopia. Armed Afar men  Ethiopia. Vaccinating women and children  Ethiopia. Search team and armed militia  Ethiopia. Search team and armed militia  Ethiopia. Mule train 1974 Ethiopia. G Suleimanov  Ethiopia. G Bartley 1974 Ethiopia. Crossing a log bridge  Ethiopia. Mired in the mud  Ethiopia. Getting out of mud 1972 Ethiopia. Well-used vehicle  Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines office  Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines plane 1979 Ethiopia. Helicopter. 1977 Ethiopia. Ransom note 1972 Ethiopia. Captured bandits 1971 Ethiopia. C de Quadros, T Getahun, vaccinators 1971 Ethiopia. C Kilmer, T Getahun, G Bartley 1971 Ethiopia. C Kilmer, G Bartley, A Bogali, vaccinators  Ethiopia. Group with older man  Ethiopia. Market 1972 Ethiopia. Child with smallpox 1976 Ethiopia. Gara Mulata smallpox team 1976 Ethiopia. Sanitarian Salahadin, H Heijbel 1976 Ethiopia. Planning helicopter search 1976 Ethiopia. Vaccinator, R Keenlyhide 1976 Ethiopia. Child with smallpox 1976 Ethiopia. Child with smallpox 1972 Ethiopia. Discovery of a case 1972 Ethiopia. Smallpox case  Ethiopia. Elaborate straw house in the Danakil  Ethiopia. Stone house in the Danakil  Ethiopia. Tent encampment  Ethiopia. Tent encampment 1975 Ethiopia. DA Henderson 1976 Ethiopia. DA Henderson's graph of last cases 1976 Ethiopia. Site of the last case  Horn of Africa coordination meeting 1979 Ethiopia. Preliminary international commission 1975 Ethiopia. Painting, Ethiopia campaign