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1979 Ethiopia. Preliminary international commission

Photo credit: WHO
Source: WHO 1988, Smallpox and Its Eradication


Members of the preliminary international commission that visited Ethiopia in Apr 1979 listen to the report of chairman Dr J Kostrzewski (Poland) and rapporteur Dr KR Dumbell (UK) to Wogayehu Sahlu, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health, Ethiopia.

Left to right, front row: Taddesse Alemu (Ethiopia), Fekade Tsegaye (Ethiopia), LN Khodakevich (WHO; USSR), Wogayehu Sahlu (Ethiopia), T Olakowski (WHO; Poland);

middle Row: NA Ward (United Kingdom), RN Basu (India), ZM Dlamini (Swaziland), HB Lundbeck (Sweden), C do Amaral (WHO; Brazil);

back row: OS Ismail (WHO; Egypt), Haile Miriam Kahssay (Ethiopia), AI Gromyko (WHO; USSR), unidentified participant, Assefa Gobeze (Ethiopia)