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By WHO Region | South-East Asia

Summary & Regional Information

Country Last endemic case Importations during SEP Certification Method Document
Bangladesh (East Pakistan)* 1970, 1975 None post-1975 14 Dec 1977 Intl Commission SEA/Smallpox/84
Bhutan 1920 1967, 1968, 1973, 1974 22 Apr 1977 Intl Commission SEA/Smallpox/80
India 1975 None post-1975 23 Apr 1977 Intl Commission SEA/Smallpox/78
Indonesia 1972 None post-1972 25 Apr 1974 Intl Commission WHO/SE/74.68
Myanmar (Burma)** 1965 1968, 1969 30 Nov 1977 Intl Commission SEA/Smallpox/83
Nepal 1975 None post-1975 13 Apr 1977 Intl Commission SEA/Smallpox/80
Thailand 1962 None 7 Dec 1978 Visit and detailed country report WHO/SE/78.132 pp 7,21

* East Pakistan was renamed Bangladesh in 1971. Transmission was interrupted in 1970, but smallpox was reintroduced from India in 1971 when civil war, flooding, and famine created vast numbers of refugees. The last case in Bangladesh occurred on 16 Oct 1975. It was the last case of variola major and the last case of smallpox in Asia.

** Burma was renamed Myanmar in 1989.

Year Title Authors Source URL
1968 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 1, 7 Jun 1968
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1968 43(23):290-1 WHO: 10665/216623
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1968 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 6, 16 Aug 1968
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1968 43(33):408-9 WHO: 10665/216745
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1968 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 10, 11 Oct 1968
Asia. India
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1968 43(41):524-8 WHO: 10665/216842
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1968 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 11, 25 Oct 1968
Asia. Pakistan. Worldwide cases 1956-67
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1968 43(43):552-6 WHO: 10665/216865
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1968 SEARO: Projections for vaccination, vaccine requirements, and expenditures: 1968, 1969, 1970 Meeting of Regional Advisers on Smallpox Eradication. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-10 Apr 1968 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1970 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 50, 20-Nov 1970
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1970 45(47):520-3 WHO: 10665/218025
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1970 Review of the status of smallpox in the South-East Asia Region
Inter-Regional Seminar on Surveillance and Assessment in Smallpox Eradication. New Delhi, India, 30 Nov - 5 Dec 1970
Oles A WHO/SE/71.30:13-23
Also issued as SE/WP/70.3
WHO: 10665/67488
WHO: 10665/68072
1972 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 77, 1 Sep 1972
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1972 47(35):330-2 WHO: 10665/219056
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1972 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 79, 29 Sep 1972
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1972 47(39):371-3 WHO: 10665/219096
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1972 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 80, 20 Oct 1972
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1972 47(42):398-401 WHO: 10665/219124
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1972 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 82, 1 Dec 1972
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1972 47(48):470-2 WHO: 10665/219174
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 85, 2 Feb 1973
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(5):69-71 WHO: 10665/219247
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 87, 6 Mar 1973
Asian sub-continent. Importation: UK
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(11):126-9 WHO: 10665/219303
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 89, 13 Apr 1973
Asian sub-continent, Botswana, Uganda. Importation: Japan. Outbreak: UK [Birmingham]
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(15):167-70 WHO: 10665/219341
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 92, 29 Jun 1973
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(26):264-6 WHO: 10665/219443
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 96, 21 Sep 1973
Asian sub-continent
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(38):370-3 WHO: 10665/219548
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 98, 16 Nov 1973
Asian sub-continent. Botswana. Importations: Somalia, French Territory of the Afars and Issas, Nepal
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1973 48(46):434-8 WHO: 10665/219623
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1973 [Duration of vaccination immunity to smallpox (epidemiological observation in Southeast Asia)] Russian Vishniakov VE Tr Leningr Nauchno Issled Inst Epidemiol Mikrobiol 1973 42:163-8
1973 [Smallpox and traditional medicine in the developing countries of Africa and Asia] German Serý V Z Tropenmed Parasitol 1973 24(1):105-18
1975 Smallpox Surveillance Report No. 119, 8 Aug 1975
Asian sub-continent. Ethiopia. Smallpox Count-down introduced
Smallpox unit, WHO Wkly Epidemol Rec 1975 50(32):281-5 WHO: 10665/220472
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
1977 [Latest steps taken in the eradication of smallpox in Asia] Polish Kostrzewski J Przegl Epidemiol 1977 31(4):361-73
1980 [Smallpox eradication in Southeast Asia] Russian Slepushkin AN, Khodakevich LN Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1980 (3):3-8