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DA Henderson Archive: Lectures & Addresses

Staff Addresses

Boldface items are those that Henderson considered to be of significance.

All documents are handwritten.

Date Title Event Location Notes
1966 Jun 3 Smallpox eradication program Visiting international group, CDC Atlanta GA
1966 Jul Smallpox 1966 EIS Course, CDC Atlanta GA
*1966 Jul Origins of the CDC/USAID smallpox/measles program 1966 EIS Course, CDC Atlanta GA
*1966 Dec Smallpox eradication program Smallpox Seminar [Progress summary] New Delhi, India
1967 Spring Smallpox eradication Senior WHO Officers Training Program Geneva, Switzerland
1967 Jul Smallpox eradication EIS Course, CDC Atlanta GA
1967 Sep 5 Smallpox eradication Indian SEP workers New Delhi, India
1967 Dec 11 Opening remarks Inter-Regional Seninar on Smallpox Eradication, WHO Bangkok, Thailand, 11-16 Dec 1967
1967 Dec 16 Concluding narrative summary Inter-Regional Seninar on Smallpox Eradication, WHO Bangkok, Thailand, 11-16 Dec 1967
*1968 Apr 10 Smallpox eradication program. Progress report WHO Regional Smallpox Advisors Meeting Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr 3-10 1968
1968 Aug 22 Surveillance: The key to smallpox eradication Inter-Regional Course on Methods of Epidemiological Surveillance, WHO Prague, Czechoslovakia, 12-31 Aug 1968 WHO/SE/68.2 The course was concluded early, immediately after this presentation, because of the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the USSR on the night of Aug 20-21.
*1968 Aug Smallpox eradication program WHO/National Institute for Disease Control (India) course New Delhi, India
1968 Nov 16 (planned)
1968 Nov 20 (actual)
Smallpox eradication Inter-Country Smallpox Eradication Seminar, WHO Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. Congo, 19-26 Nov 1968 A 5-day journey from Montevideo, Uruguay delayed presentation of what was to have been the opening address.
1969 May) The global status of smallpox eradication Seminar on smallpox eradication and measles control in western and central Africa, WHO/USAID/CDC Lagos, Nigeria, May 13-20 1969
1969 May) Smallpox surveillance in the stragegy of global eradication Seminar on smallpox eradication and measles control in western and central Africa, WHO/USAID/CDC Lagos, Nigeria, May 13-20 1969
1969 May) Summary: Surveillance Seminar on smallpox eradication and measles control in western and central Africa, WHO/USAID/CDC Lagos, Nigeria, May 13-20 1969
1969 May) Summary: Programme operations Seminar on smallpox eradication and measles control in western and central Africa, WHO/USAID/CDC Lagos, Nigeria, May 13-20 1969
1970 Nov 30 Introductory remarks Inter-Regional Seminar on Surveillance and Assessment in Smallpox Eradication, WHO New Delhi, India, 30 Nov - 5 Dec 1970 SE/WP/70.30
1971 Feb Smallpox eradication Indian smallpox staff Agra, India
1971 Apr Principles of immunization programs Indonesian smallpox staff Bandung, Indonesia
1971 Nov Smallpox eradication - Prospects for the future (typed) WHO Director General's Staff Conference Geneva, Switzerland
1972 Oct 31 Opening remarks Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in Smallpox Eradication, WHO New Delhi, India, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 1972 SE/WP/72(4)
1972 Oct 31 The global smallpox eradication programme: The final phase Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in Smallpox Eradication, WHO New Delhi, India, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 1972 SE/WP/72(7)
1972 Nov 1 The role of the diagnostic laboratory Inter-Country Seminar on Surveillance in Smallpox Eradication, WHO New Delhi, India, 30 Oct - 2 Nov 1972 SE/WP/72(7)
1972 Nov Smallpox surveillance in the strategy of global eradication Interregional Seminar on Cholera and Smallpox, Malaysia and Singapore Singapore? Nov 1972 SE/72.8
1972 Nov 14 Inauguration of the seminar Training Seminar on Smallpox Eradication, WHO Karachi, Pakistan, 14-18 Nov 1972 SE/72.9
1972 Nov 14 The global smallpox eradication programme: The final phase Training Seminar on Smallpox Eradication, WHO Karachi, Pakistan, 14-18 Nov 1972 SE/72.10
*1974 Aug 14 Smallpox eradication program status Staff and WHO Regional Smallpox Advisors New Delhi, India
1979 Oct 29 Decision that smallpox had been eradicated. Nairobi, Kenya