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Documents | Smallpox: Eradication Program

Meetings, Seminars, and Training Sessions

The Smallpox Eradication Program held frequent regional meetings, seminars, and training seminars. Participants included national programme staff, WHO smallpox advisers, and smallpox eradication staff from the regional offices and WHO Headquarters. WHO Regional Officers from the 4 endemic regions were invited to all meetings from 1967 to 1970 and to the 1972 seminar in New Delhi, India.

Note: This section is not complete. It includes only those meetings for which documents have so far been located.

Title Authors Source URL
Report of the Inter-Regional Smallpox Conference -- WHO/Smallpox/17 WHO: 10665/67156
Epidemiological considerations of smallpox control Soewondo R SEA/SPX/Conf 3
Report on the [Peruvian] smallpox vaccination campaign carried out during the period October 1950 - December 1955
Presented at the Seminar on Smallpox Vaccination, Lima, Peru, 20-25 Aug 1956
de la Fuente EA WHO/Smallpox/12 WHO: 10665/67146
Annual report of the national anti-smallpox vaccination programme in the Republic of Colombia, 1959 WHO/Smallpox/13 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Smallpox in India as assessed from the incidence of reported smallpox cases per 100,000 population by districts Patnaik LC SEA/SPX/Conf 8
Organization of a smallpox eradication campaign Arasteh C SEA/SPX/Conf 10
Local and social aspects of the smallpox eradication campaign Pandit CG SEA/SPX/Conf 4
Educational aspects of the smallpox eradication campaign Ramakrishna V SEA/SPX/Conf 9
Eradication vs control of smallpox Frederiksen H SEA/SPX/Conf 5
Evaluation of smallpox vaccination programs
[Evaluation of smallpox vaccination programs] French
Cruickshank R WHO/Smallpox/15 English (incomplete)
[French, complete]
WHO: 10665/67152
[WHO: 10665/67153]
Smallpox vaccine and vaccination technique Ahmad N SEA/SPX/Conf 6
Co-ordination of smallpox eradication campaign with other campaigns and with the general activities of the public health service Chandravimol P SEA/SPX/Conf 7
International aspects of smallpox eradication WHO Secretariat WHO/Smallpox/14 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Compulsory or voluntary vaccination [Reference document] WHO Secretariat A13/Technical Discussions/2 WHO: 10665/134370
Title Authors Source URL
WHO Expert Committee on Smallpox. 1st Report WHO Technical Report Series No. 283 WHO: 10665/40597
Draft agenda WHO Smallpox/WP/1 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Review of smallpox situation in the world WHO Smallpox/WP/12 WHO: 10665/67663
Factors involved in transmission of smallpox and duration of immunity Dixon CW Smallpox/WP/7 WHO: 10665/67697
A study of 240 cases of haemorrhagic smallpox Rao AR Smallpox/WP/22 WHO: 10665/67676
Correlation between antibody levels and vaccination reaction Benenson AS Smallpox/WP/15 WHO: 10665/67671
Comparative study of the virus neutralising antibody levels and types of skin reaction in smallpox revaccinated persons Svet-Moldavskaya IA, Marennikova SS, Akatova-Shelukhina EM, Ogorodnikova ZI Smallpox/WP/25 WHO: 10665/67679
The relation between potency of vaccine used in smallpox vaccination and immunity produced Polak MF Smallpox/WP/9 WHO: 10665/67699
Immunity in relation to the number of insertions Benenson AS Smallpox/WP/21 WHO: 10665/67675
Laboratory aspects Downie AW Smallpox/WP/2 WHO: 10665/67660
Bleeding and coagulation studies in smallpox and chicken-pox, Madras, India, 1962-63 Kempe CH Smallpox/WP/5 WHO: 10665/67694
The viruses of variola major, variola minor and atypical strains Downie AW Smallpox/WP/14 WHO: 10665/67665
Smallpox vaccines Kaplan C Smallpox/WP/10 WHO: 10665/67661
A comparison of vaccinia virus strains used for production in various countries Marennikova SS, Nal'ceva NN Smallpox/WP/16 WHO: 10665/67672
The composition of genetically heterogeneous smallpox vaccines and methods of purifying them Marennikova SS, JZ Genden, Nal'ceva NN,FB Genkins, VI Čornos Smallpox/WP/23 WHO: 10665/67677
Chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy Downie AW, Kempe CH Smallpox/WP/3 WHO: 10665/67692
The use of vaccinia hyperimmune gamma-globulin in the prophylaxis of smallpox Kempe CH Smallpox/WP/4 WHO: 10665/67693
Hyperimmune antivaccinia gamma globulin from animal sera Marennikova SS, Akatova-Shelukhina EM, Maltseva NN, Ghenkina PB, VN Milushkin, Miniovich FL Smallpox/WP/24 WHO: 10665/67693
Criterion for smallpox eradication WHO Smallpox/WP/11 WHO: 10665/67662
The planning, organization and execution of smallpox vaccination campaign in Pakistan Haque NS Smallpox/WP/13 WHO: 10665/67664
Planning, organization and execution of national smallpox eradication campaign in India Lal KM Smallpox/WP/19 WHO: 10665/67673
Assessment and evaluation of the national smallpox eradication programme in different parts of India Lal KM Smallpox/WP/26 WHO: 10665/67680
Smallpox eradication programme in Ghana Grant FC Smallpox/WP.20 WHO: 10665/67674
Measures to be taken in case of outbreaks in countries free from smallpox Polak MF Smallpox/WP/8 WHO: 10665/67698
International certificate of vaccination or revaccination against smallpox WHO Smallpox/WP/6 WHO: 10665/67695

This was the first seminar conducted by the SEP. It included national and WHO staff from 13 countries of the South-East Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, and Western Pacific Regions. The few surviving documents were found among DA Henderson's personal papers. This compiled Conference document includes:

  • List of participants
  • List of working papers (annotated draft)
  • Opening speech (DA Henderson)
  • Smallpox eradication — Background (DA Henderson)
  • Concluding narrative summary (author(s) unknown)

A 1967 WHO survey of vaccine concluded that not more than 10% of the vaccine used in endemic countries met WHO standards. The urgent need to simultaneously improve vaccine production in at least 20 laboratories prompted the Smallpox Eradication unit to convene a panel of experts. The working papers below were presented at the first meeting (WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-23 Mar). The panel visited and reviewed vaccine production and data at major vaccine contributors in the US and USSR. A manual on freeze-dried smallpox vaccine production was prepared at a second meeting (Wyeth Laboratories, Philadelphia PA, 28-30 Mar).

The manual, Methodology of Freeze-dried Smallpox Vaccine Production (SE/68.3 Rev.2), provided a step-by-step description of the simplest procedures for all stages of production and testing of a potent, stable, and safe vaccine. Never officially published by WHO, it was made widely available as a document of the Smallpox Eradication unit. It was distributed to all laboratories interested in the production of vaccine.

Note: Individual papers have not yet been located but are listed because of their significance to the programme.

Title Authors Source URL
List of participants and working papers SE/68.3 Rev.2 Appendix 19 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Methodology of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine production Kaplan C, Hekker AC WP/1
The International Reference preparation of smallpox vaccine WP/2
Stability and preservability of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine with different moisture contents Nomura M et al. WP/3
Relation of the PFU value to the volume of inoculum in the titration of vaccinia virus on the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick embryo Slonim D WP/4
Recommendations relating to the manufacture of smallpox vaccine WP/5
Status of freeze-dried vaccine production WHO WP/6
Comparison of capacities of various freeze-dryers WHO WP/7
Effect of 1% phenol on several bacterial and viral species Slonim D
Attempt to utilize 1% phenol for bacterial sterilization of calf lymph smallpox vaccine Slonim D WP/9
Phenolization of smallpox vaccine Hekker AC WP/10
An alternate heat stability test Hekker AC WP/11
Vaccine production data - Rijks Instituut Hekker AC WP/12
Stability of reconstituted vaccine Hekker AC WP/13
A note on the preservation of the infectious activity of vaccinia virus by means of glycerine Slonim D WP/14
Some factors influencing quality and quantity of infectious pulp yields in calf skin inoculated with vaccinia virus Slonim D WP/15
Vaccinia virus stability during storage in fluid suspension at +2°C to +4°C , during lyophilization procedure and during storage in lyophilized form at +37°C Slonim D WP/16
The influence of the atmosphere of sealing on the stability of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine Kaplan C WP/17
Virus strains for smallpox vaccine production Marennikova SS WP/18
Production method for freeze-dried smallpox vaccine Fenje P WP/20
Stability study on freeze-dried vaccine exposed to room atmosphere before sealing Schneider R WP/21
Results of heat resistance testing at 37°C and 45°C of RIV Vaccine 6664 reconstituted with diluents of different glycerine contents Hekker AC WP/22
Stability of smallpox vaccine freeze-dried with or without stabilizers and sealed under different conditions Hekker AC WP/23
Information regarding vaccine production - Connaught Medical Research Laboratory Wilson RJ WP/24
Dryvax® - Production and control testing experience Bernstein A WP/25
Four extracts from papers dealing with miscellaneous aspects of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine production WP/26
Production of smallpox vaccine on calf skin with different strains of vaccinia virus Hekker AC WP/27.
Vaccine production data - Research Institute of Virus Preparations, USSR Marennikova SS WP/28
Stability of dried smallpox vaccine at various temperatures Fenje P WP/29
Smallpox·vaccine production in a limited number of passages in one animal species Marennikova SS, Milushin VN, Chimishkyan KL WP/30
Notes on smallpox vaccine production methods in South American laboratories Fenje P WP/31

This early meeting of WHO Regional Advisers discussed the programme's plans and needs, providing recommendations for WHO and its Regional Offices. The appointment of a full-time Regional Smallpox Eradication Adviser was requested. The surviving documents below are from DA Henderson's personal papers:

Southern and Eastern Africa

Title Authors Source URL
[Participants and programme] French DA Henderson personal archives DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Opening speech (planned)
[as delivered several days late]
DA Henderson personal archives DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Status of smallpox eradication activities (sample data form) SE/68.4 WHO: 10665/67969
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Botswana SE/68.13 WHO: 10665/67949
Status of smallpox eradication activities: DR Congo SE/68.11 WHO: 10665/67945
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Kenya SE/68.18 WHO: 10665/67959
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Malawi SE/68.15 WHO: 10665/67953
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Sudan SE/68.20 WHO: 10665/67964
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Tanzania SE/68.10 WHO: 10665/67943
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Uganda SE/68.12 WHO: 10665/67947
Status of smallpox eradication activities: Zambia SE/68.14 WHO: 10665/67951
Instructions and sample data form for field assessment SE/68.16, SE/68.17 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Title Authors Source URL
Provisional agenda DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Recommendation DAH: Chesney Med Arch

PROCEEDINGS - Part I [10.5 MB] CDC, SEP Report 1970 IV(1):1-66 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Dedication, preface, participants, table of contents, opening of the conference CDC, SEP Report IV(1):1-8 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The global status of smallpox eradication Henderson DA CDC, SEP Report IV(1):10-20 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Development and status of the Smallpox Eradication and Measles Control Programme in West Africa Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(1):21-27a DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Epidemiology of smallpox in West and Central Africa WH Foege CDC, SEP Report IV(1):29-35a DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Execution of smallpox eradication-measles control programme in Guinea Barry El-Hadj A CDC, SEP Report IV(1):36-40 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Results of investigation and control programme in Sierra Leone Cummings EC, Hopkins DR, Thornton JN CDC, SEP Report IV(1):41-44 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Use of house-to-house surveys in finding smallpox cases Agle AN CDC, SEP Report IV(1):45-46 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Persistence of smallpox in remote unvaccinated villages Imperato P, Sow O, LaPointe M, Vastine D, TA Leonard CDC, SEP Report IV(1):47-51 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Associated with exposure at a funeral ceremony: Smallpox outbreak, Yawei Chiefdom, Kailahun District, Sierra Leone Cummings EC, Hopkins DR, Thornton JN CDC, SEP Report IV(1):52-54 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Role of migrant groups in the transmission of smallpox in Mali Sow O CDC, SEP Report IV(1):55-56 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
A study of smallpox in the Tuaregs in Tahoua, Niger Masso AR CDC, SEP Report IV(1):57-58 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Notes on variolation Glokpor GF CDC, SEP Report IV(1):59-61 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The role of fetish practices in vaccination campaigns Robbins GE CDC, SEP Report IV(1):62-64 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary: Smallpox Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(1):65-66 DAH: Chesney Med Arch

PROCEEDINGS - Part 2 [19.4 MB] CDC, SEP Report 1970 IV(2):1-225 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Table of contents CDC, SEP Report IV(2):1-2 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Epidemiological characteristics of measles in West and Central Africa Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(2):4-8 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles in Douala Peters B, Delas A CDC, SEP Report IV(2):9-14 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Bouar measles epidemic, Central African Republic Ewen N CDC, SEP Report IV(2):15-18 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles in Lagos, Nigeria Smith EA, Daniels SO, Foster SO CDC, SEP Report IV(2):19-26 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles epidemic near Salo, Central African Republic Durand B CDC, SEP Report IV(2):27-29 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles in areas of malnutrition Smith EA, Foster SO CDC, SEP Report IV(2):30-36 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
A comparison of measles virus vaccines Hendrickse RG CDC, SEP Report IV(2):37-39 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles vaccination with reduced dosage
[Based on Hendrickse RG, Montefiore D: Measles vaccination with reduced dosage. Brit Med J 1968 4:28-30]
Hendrickse RG CDC, SEP Report IV(2):40-43 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Smallpox surveillance in the strategy of global eradication Henderson DA CDC, SEP Report IV(2):46-52 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The value of surveillance newsletters Smith EA, Foster SO CDC, SEP Report IV(2):53-57 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The surveillance system and methods used to improve reporting, I. Togo Agbodjan LP CDC, SEP Report IV(2):58-59 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The surveillance system and methods used to improve reporting, II. Dahomey Yekpe M CDC, SEP Report IV(2):60-62 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The surveillance system and methods used to improve reporting, III. Niger Alzouma I CDC, SEP Report IV(2):63-65 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Surveillance techniques for detecting importations of smallpox Grant FC CDC, SEP Report IV(2):66-68 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Assessment of surveillance systems in West Africa Henderson RH CDC, SEP Report IV(2):69-72 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary: Surveillance Henderson DA CDC, SEP Report IV(2):73-74 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Intercountry cooperation and coordination. An overview Lythcott GI CDC, SEP Report IV(2):76-77 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Proposals for intercountry coordination Tchellé L CDC, SEP Report IV(2):78-79 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Experiences in Upper Volta with intercountry coordination of containment activities d'Amanda C CDC, SEP Report IV(2):80-81 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Benefits of intercountry coordination Agle AN CDC, SEP Report IV(2):82 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Principles of assessment Henderson RH CDC, SEP Report IV(2):86-89 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Concurrent assessment during the smallpox eradication/measles control programme in Guinea - December 1967 through February 1969 Alécaut B, Breman JG, Famba MK CDC, SEP Report IV(2):90-96 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Concurrent assessment of the Smallpox Eradication Programme in Mid-West State, Nigeria Mebitaghan IS, Okoh PA CDC, SEP Report IV(2):97-102 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Assessment in the Central African Republic Ewen N CDC, SEP Report IV(2):103-108 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Assessment of vaccination coverage and smallpox in five areas of West Africa. A summary of terminal assessment results Henderson RH, Davis H, Eddins D CDC, SEP Report IV(2):109-132 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary: Concurrent assessment Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(2):133-135 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Introduction: Principles and goals of maintenance programmes Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(2):138-139 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles control in The Gambia N'Dow PJ, Helmholz RC CDC, CDC, SEP Report IV(2):140-144 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Urban measles control Adetosoye JI CDC, CDC, SEP Report IV(2):145-148 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The measles control programme in Dakar, Senegal Seck M, Helmholz RC CDC, SEP Report IV(2):149-150 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Maintenance of measles control in Kano State, Nigeria Arnold RB CDC, SEP Report IV(2):151-156 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Measles control in areas of low population density Gilles JC CDC, SEP Report IV(2):157-160 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Alternative approaches to measles control using fixed centres Thompson DM CDC, SEP Report IV(2):161-164 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Theoretical and practical problems in measles control Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(2):165-176 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Smallpox eradication in Africa: Principles for action in the maintenance phase Binson B CDC, SEP Report IV(2):177-180 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Maintenance of smallpox immunity among the nomads Alzouma I CDC, SEP Report IV(2):181-182 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Investigation of imported cases during the Smallpox Eradication Programme in Cameroon Delas A CDC, SEP Report IV(2):183-187 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary: Maintenance programmes Millar JD CDC, SEP Report IV(2):188-189 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
A review of West African operations: Methods and tactics Hicks JW CDC, SEP Report IV(2):192-198 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The value, efficiency, and limitations of collecting points in mass vaccination programmes Smith EA, Foster SO, Adetosoye JI, Mebitaghan IS, Adeoye PO, Pifer JM CDC, SEP Report IV(2):199-204 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Comparative advantages of jet injectors and bifurcated needles Glokpor GF CDC, SEP Report IV(2):205-207 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Advantages and disadvantages of specialized and multi-purpose medical teams Roux JM CDC, SEP Report IV(2):208-212 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Safety, efficacy, and priorities in multiple antigen usage Hendrickse RG CDC, SEP Report IV(2):213-215 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Associated vaccine campaigns. Organization and logistics Labusquière R CDC, SEP Report IV(2):216-220 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Programme costs as related to vaccinations, morbidity and mortality in The Gambia N'Dow PJ CDC, SEP Report IV(2):221-223 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary: Programme operations Henderson DA CDC, SEP Report IV(2):224-225 DAH: Chesney Med Arch

Status of smallpox eradication programme, May 1969 SE/69.20 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Status of smallpox eradication activities (sample data form) SE/69.6 Rev 1 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Cameroon SE/69.10 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Central African Republic SE/69.17 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Chad SE/69.15 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Dahomey (Benin) SE/69.18 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Gabon SE/69.14 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: The Gambia SE/69.16 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Ghana SE/69.9 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Guinea SE/69.21 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Liberia SE/69.13 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Mali SE/69.23 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Niger SE/69.19 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Nigeria SE/69.22 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Nigeria (Northern States) SE/69.24 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Senegal SE/69.11 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Sierra Leone SE/69.8 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Togo SE/69.12 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Country Report: Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) SE/69.25 DAH: Chesney Med Arch

South-East Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, and African Regions

Title Authors Source URL
WHO: 10665/67488
Preface and table of contents WHO/SE/71.30:002-4 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Summary - Status of the global programme Henderson DA WHO/SE/71.30:6-12
[also issued as SE/WP/70.1]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68046
Review of the status of smallpox in the South-East Asia Region Oles A WHO/SE/71.30:13-23
[also issued as SE/WP/70.3]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68072
Status of the smallpox eradication programmes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Shafa E WHO/SE/71.30:24-30 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
The Smallpox Eradication Programme in Sierra Leone Cummings EC WHO/SE/71.30:32-44
[also issued as SE/WP/70.7]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68077[
Recurrence of smallpox in Nigeria 1970 Foege WH WHO/SE/71.30:45-51
[also issued as WHO/SE/76.85 Annex III]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Problems of border areas in West Africa Foege WH WHO/SE/71.30:52-8 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Surveillance in the Brazilian smallpox eradication programme, 1970 de Faria GB, de Carvalho Filho EC, Rodrigues BA, Ponce de Leon J WHO/SE/71.30:60-70 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Investigation of hospital-associated smallpox: Vitoria, Espirito Santo Morris L, de Lemos AL, da Silva OJ WHO/SE/71.30:71-8 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Smallpox surveillance in Afghanistan Rangaraj AG WHO/SE/71.30:80-91
[also issued as SE/WP/70.24]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68065]
Special problems relating to the smallpox eradication programme in Afghanistan Akbary MT WHO/SE/71.30:92-97
[also issued as SE/WP/70.22]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68063]
Assessment of the smallpox vaccination program in Afghanistan Salehi MY WHO/SE/71.30:98-102
[also issued as SE/WP/70.28]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68070]
International cooperation in the smallpox eradication programme [Outbreaks in Burma in 1968 and 1969] Thaung U, Myat UA WHO/SE/71.30:104-7 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Importation of smallpox cases into Nepal Shrestha PN WHO/SE/71.30:108-10
[also issued as SE/WP/70.21]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68062]
The establishment of an effective reporting system in Indonesia Karyadi A WHO/SE/71.30:112-6
[also issued as SE/WP/70.4]
and SE/WP/74.4]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68076]
Is routine vaccination necessary in a smallpox eradication programme? Koswara PA WHO/SE/71.30:117-25
[also issued as SE/WP/70.13]
and SE/WP/74.5]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68049]
The twenty years and the twenty months Arbani PR WHO/SE/71.30:126-9
[also issued as SE/WP/70.9]
and SE/WP/74.6]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68078]
Low-level transmission of smallpox in a well vaccinated area, Pasar Minggu, Djakarta, Indonesia (February-August 1970) Emmet W WHO/SE/71.3:130-3
[also issued as SE/WP/70.29]
and SE/WP/74.7]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68071]
Smallpox in Djakarta Residency, 1970 Hartohusodo R WHO/SE/71.30:134-9
[also issued as SE/WP/74.8]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
What went wrong in Loning? Arbani PR WHO/SE/71.30:140-4
[also issued as SE/WP/74.9]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Observations during special investigations in Rajasthan Singh M WHO/SE/71.30:146-60
[also issued as SE/WP/70.12]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68048]
Development of the Smallpox Eradication Programme in Andhra Pradesh State, India Apparao MV WHO/SE/71.30:161-73
[also issued as SE/WP/71.27]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/67485]
The pattern of urban smallpox—Calcutta Sarkar JK WHO/SE/71.30:174-80
[also issued as SE/WP/70.15]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68050]
Surveillance of smallpox in East Pakistan Markvart K, Huq AMM, Islam AIMS WHO/SE/71.30:182-94 DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Surveillance activities of the Smallpox Eradication Programme in West Pakistan Khawaja MB, Adibzadeh F WHO/SE/71.30:195-206
[also issued as SE/WP/70.11]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68047]
Vaccination of hospitalized patients and newborns: contraindications to vaccination Rao AR WHO/SE/71.30:208-18
[also issued as SE/WP/70.16]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch]
Vaccine, production, storage and handling Henderson DA WHO/SE/71.30:219-22
[also issued as SE/WP/70.17]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68052]
Tools and techniques in smallpox vaccination Shafa E WHO/SE/71.30:223-8
[also issued as SE/71.4 (French)]
DAH: Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68030]]
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS WHO/SE/71.30:233-43 DAH: Chesney Med Arch

Introductory remarks Henderson DA SE/WP/70.30 WHO: 10665/68073
Teaching exercise. Field investigation. Problem for students; Syllabus for the discussion leaders SE/WP/70.31, SE/WP/70.31a WHO: 10665/68074
WHO: 10665/68075
Assessment of the vaccination component of the programme. From Handbook for Smallpox Eradication in Endemic Areas (rev) SE/WP/70.25 WHO: 10665/68067
Scar surveys as a tool for evaluation and supervision of the smallpox eradication programme, East Java Province, Indonesia Witjaksono H SE/WP/70.26 WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/68068
Scar survey in smallpox eradication programme of West Pakistan Khawaja MB, Adibzadeh F SE/WP/70.27 WHO: 10665/68069

South-East Asia Region

Title Authors Source URL
Programme SE/WP/72(1) DAH: Chesney Med Arch
List of participants SE/WP/72(2) DAH: Chesney Med Arch

Inaugural address Chattopadhyaya DP SE/WP/72(3) WHO: 10665/68081
Opening remarks Henderson DA SE/WP/72(4) WHO: 10665/68082
The global smallpox eradication programme - the final phase Henderson DA SE/WP/72(7) WHO: 10665/68085
Smallpox eradication in Asia Grasset NC SE/WP/72(8) WHO: 10665/68086
The present status and future plans for the Bangladesh programme Huq AMM, Kashem JA, Khan A, Arnt N SE/WP/72.7 WHO: 10665/68107
A report on the present smallpox status in Bhutan Samdup PW SE/WP/72.18 WHO: 10665/68096
Present status and future plan of smallpox eradication programme in India Basu RN SE/WP/72.8 WHO: 10665/68108
Present status and future plans for the smallpox eradication programme in Nepal Shrestha PN SE/WP/72.12 WHO: 10665/68090

Development of a reporting system in Uttar Pradesh Dube RD SE/WP/72.16 WHO: 10665/68094
Development of reporting system in Nepal Shrestha PN SE/WP/72.13 WHO: 10665/68091
Consequences of poor reporting: An experience encountered in Gulbarga District, Mysore State, South India Rao RR SE/WP/72.19 WHO: 10665/68097
Cross notification in smallpox eradication Rao MCA SE/WP/72.20 WHO: 10665/68099
Tracing of the source of infection Singh I SE/WP/72.5 WHO: 10665/68104

Problems of smallpox diagnosis Zacharias J SE/WP/72.17 WHO: 10665/68095
The role of the diagnostic laboratory Henderson DA SE/WP/72(6) WHO: 10665/68084

Conquest of smallpox in Maharashtra State: Containment and follow-up measures; failures and achievements Aphale RV SE/WP/72.9 WHO: 10665/68109
"Encourage and appreciate immediate reporting of smallpox": Methods to determine the efficacy of the programme Ahuja AS SE/WP/72.3 WHO: 10665/68102
Use of surveillance teams in Rajasthan Aggarwal ML, Jagdev DK, Monnier A SE/WP/72.10 WHO: 10665/68088
The use of surveillance teams in Bangladesh Huq AMM, Kashem JA SE/WP/72.15 WHO: 10665/68093
Methods to ascertain the smallpox transmission in an area has been interrupted Verma SD SE/WP/72.4 WHO: 10665/68103

The control of smallpox in greater Bombay Parulekar DV SE/WP/72.2 WHO: 10665/68098
Control of smallpox in Delhi Municipal Corporation Jeswani PH SE/WP/72.14 WHO: 10665/68092
Epidemic smallpox in a rural district (Santhal Parganas) Mouar DPS SE/WP/72.21 WHO: 10665/68101
Neo-natal vaccination Kapali V SE/WP/72.1 WHO: 10665/68101
Virus excretion in the throat, urine and conjunctiva of smallpox cases Sarkar JK, Mitra AC, Mukherjee MK, De S, Mazumdar DG SE/WP/72.11 WHO: 10665/68089
The need for revaccination in national smallpox eradication programmes and of laboratory diagnosis Pattanayak S, Sehgal PN SE/WP/72.A WHO: 10665/68100

Recommendations formulated by the committee SE/WP/72(5) DAH: Chesney Med Arch

Eastern Mediterranean Region

Title Authors Source URL
Inauguration of the seminar Henderson DA SE/72.9 WHO: 10665/68042
Smallpox eradication project Punjab 1972. Some aspects of smallpox eradication in Lahore Suleimanov GD SE/WP/PAK/72.1 WHO: 10665/68165
The problem of variolating relating to the smallpox eradication programme in Afghanistan Rangaraj AG SE/WP/PAK/72.2 WHO: 10665/68166
The smallpox eradication programme in Afghanistan Darmanger AM, Rangaraj AG SE/WP/PAK/72.3 WHO: 10665/68167
Smallpox eradication programme Punjab 1972. Three years of experience in Punjab Province [Pakistan] Suleimanov GD, Rafique M SE/WP/PAK/72.4 WHO: 10665/68169
The global smallpox eradication programme—The final phase Henderson DA SE/72.10 WHO: 10665/68031
Title Authors Source URL
Assignment report on smallpox eradication, Indonesia, 4-31 Aug 1973 Wehrle PF SE/WP/74.1
[also issued as SEA/Smallpox/71]
WHO: 10665/68111
Smallpox control in Indonesia during the second quarter of the century and re-establishment of endemic smallpox from 1947 Polak MF SE/WP/74.2
[also issued as SE/WP/68.1
and Trop Geogr Med 1974 20(3):243-50]
WHO: 10665/68112 [WHO: 10665/67458]
The smallpox eradication programme in Indonesia Setiady IF SE/WP/74.3
[also issued as SE/WP/71.71]
WHO: 10665/68113
The establishment of an effective reporting system for smallpox in Indonesia Karyadi A SE/WP/74.4
[also issued as SE/WP/70.4
and WHO/SE/71.30 pp 112-6]
DAH Chesney Med Arch
[WHO: 10665/68076]
[WHO: 10665/67488[
Is routine vaccination a necessity in a smallpox eradication programme? Koswara PA SE/WP/74.5
[also issued as SE/WP/70.13
and WHO/SE/71.30 pp 117-25]
WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/68115
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/68049]
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/67488]
The twenty years and the twenty months Arbani PR SE/WP/74.6
[also issued as SE/WP/70.9]
and WHO/SE/71.30 pp 126-9]
WHO: 10665/68116
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/68078]
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/67488]
Low-level transmission in a well-vaccinated area, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, Indonesia (February - August 1970) Emmet W SE/WP/74.7
[also issued as SE/WP/70.29]
and WHO/SE/71.30 pp 130-3]
WHO: 10665/68117
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/68071]
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/67488]
Smallpox in Jakarta Residency, 1970 Hartohusodo R SE/WP/74.8
[also issued as WHO/SE/71.30 pp 134-9]
WHO: 10665/68118
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/67488]
What went wrong in Loning? Arbani PR SE/WP/74.9
[also issued as WHO/SE/71.30 pp 140-4]
WHO: 10665/68119
[WHO: /iris.who.int/handle/10665/67488]
Indonesia 1972: Some smallpox surveillance patterns Cuboni GGO, Emmet W, Rai NK, Karyadi A, Setiady IF WHO/SE/74.63 WHO: 10665/67629
Indonesia 1971/72: Smallpox vaccinators as surveillance workers Cuboni GGO, Emmet W, Koswara PA, Rai NK, Karyadi A, Setiady IF WHO/SE/74.66 WHO: 10665/67636
Report of the WHO International Commission on Assessment of Smallpox Eradication in Indonesia, 25 April 1974 WHO/SE/74.68 WHO: 10665/67640
Title Authors Source URL
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication in Somalia, 1-21 October 1979 WHO/SE/79.146 WHO: 10665/68279
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication in Djibouti, 9-18 October 1979 WHO/SE/79.147 WHO: 10665/68280
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication in Ethiopia, 1-17 October 1979 WHO/SE/79.148 WHO: 10665/68281
Report of the International Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication in Kenya, 1-19 October 1979 WHO/SE/79.149 WHO: 10665/68282
Joint Report of the International Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication in the Countries of the Horn of Africa, Nairobi, 26 October 1979 WHO/SE/79.150 WHO: 10665/68283
Address of Dr Halfdan Mahler, Director-General of WHO, 26 Oct 1979
[Draft annotated by DA Henderson]
Mahler H DA Henderson personal archives DAH: Chesney Med Arch
Title Authors Source URL
[Publication supported by the Sabin Vaccine Institute]
Breman JG, de Quadros CA, Gadelha P (eds) Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4)D1-D164
URL: sciencedirect.com/journal/vaccine/vol/29/suppl/S4
Editorial Board/Aims and scope Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):CO2 DOI: 10.1016/S0264-410X(12)00272-1
Foreword Roses-Periago M Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D1-D2 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.036
Introduction: Meeting objectives, summary and final statement Breman JG, de Quadros CA, Gadelha P Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D3-D5 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.037
The eradication of smallpox--an overview of the past, present, and future Henderson DA Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D7-D9 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.080
Lessons and innovations from the West and Central African Smallpox Eradication Program Foege W Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D10-D12 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.008
Smallpox and its eradication in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lessons learned Muyembe-Tamfum J-J, Mulembakani P, Lekie RB, Szczeniowski M, ... Rimoin AW Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D13-D18 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.008
PMCID: PMC9628709
Lessons from smallpox eradication campaign in Bihar state and in India Dutta M, Basu RN Vaccine 2011 29(11):2005-7
[reprinted in Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D19-D21]
DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.12.112
[DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.12.001]
Smallpox eradication in Bangladesh, 1972–1976 Foster SO, Hughes K, Tarantola D, Glasser JW Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D22-D29 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.081
PMCID: PMC5723923
Experiences with smallpox eradication in Ethiopia de Quadros CA Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D30-D35 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.10.001
The emergency campaign for smallpox eradication from Somalia (1977-1979)--revisited Deria A Vaccine 2011 29 Suppl 4:D36-D40 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.05.039
The certification of smallpox eradication and implications for guinea worm, poliomyelitis, and other diseases: confirming and maintaining a negative Breman JG, Arita I Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D41-D48 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.018
Emergence and reemergence of smallpox: the need for development of a new generation smallpox vaccine Shchelkunov SN Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D49-53 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.05.037
Status of human monkeypox: clinical disease, epidemiology and research Damon IK Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D54-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.014
Whither monkeypox vaccination Rimoin AW, Graham BS Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D60-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.09.004
PMCID: PMC3311705
Human and animal infections by vaccinia-like viruses in the state of Rio de Janeiro: a novel expanding zoonosis Schatzmayr HG, Costa RV, Goncalves MC, D'Andrea PS, Barth OM Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D65-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.09.105
The principles and feasibility of disease eradication Dowdle WR, Cochi SL Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D70-3 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.006
The expanded programme on immunization: a lasting legacy of smallpox eradication Okwo-Bele JM, Cherian T Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D74-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.01.080
The global polio eradication initiative: lessons learned and prospects for success Aylward B, Tangermann R Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D80-5 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.10.005
Dracunculiasis eradication and the legacy of the smallpox campaign: what's new and innovative? What's old and principled? Richards FO, Ruiz-Tiben E, Hopkins DR Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D86-90 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.115
Measles and rubella eradication in the Americas Andrus JK, de Quadros CA, Solorzano CC, Periago MR, Henderson DA Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D91-6 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.059
The challenge of malaria eradication in the twenty-first century: research linked to operations is the key Breman JG, Brandling-Bennett AD Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D97-103 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.12.003
Enlarging the "Audacious Goal": elimination of the world's high prevalence neglected tropical diseases Hotez P Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D104-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.024
Vaccines of the future Nossal GJ Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D111-5 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.089
"IDEAL" vaccines for resource poor settings Levine MM Vaccine 2011 29 Suppl 4:D116-25 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.090
Strengthening surveillance: confronting infectious diseases in developing countries Andrus JK, Solorzano CC, de Oliveira L, Danovaro-Holliday MC, de Quadros CA Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D126-30 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.023
Logistics in smallpox: the legacy Wickett J, Carrasco P Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D131-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.06.043
From smallpox eradication to contemporary global health initiatives: enhancing human capacity towards a global public health goal Tarantola D, Foster SO Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D135-40 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.07.027
Surveillance in eradication and elimination of infectious diseases: a progression through the years Heymann DL, Brilliant L Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D141-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.12.135
From smallpox eradication to the future of global health: Innovations, application and lessons for future eradication and control initiatives Tomori O Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D145-8 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.09.003
Health security and disease control: lessons from Mexico Frenk J, Gomez-Dantes O Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D149-51 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.03.024
The Jenner Society and the Edward Jenner Museum: tributes to a physician-scientist Morgan AJ, Poland GA Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D152-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.08.128
SEC2010 Symposium Program Committee Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D155 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.039
Agenda Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D156-D159 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.040
Registered attendees Vaccine 2011 29(Suppl 4):D160-D164 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.11.041