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Documents | Smallpox: Eradication Program

World Health Assembly and Executive Board

This section includes excerpts of selected documents from the World Health Assembly and Executive Board. Smallpox control was a recurring issue since WHO's inception. (Complete and additional documents are available on WHO's IRIS system.)

The World Health Assembly is WHO's main governing body. An annual May meeting, attended by delegations from all Member States, decides the policies of the Organization. It appoints the Director-General, supervises WHO's financial policies, and reviews and approves the proposed budget. It instructs the Executive Board on matters requiring further attention.

The Executive Board is a smaller elected body of members with technical qualifications in the health field. Members serve 3-year terms. The Executive Board meets in January to set the agenda for the World Health Assembly's May meeting and to adopt draft resolutions for the Assembly's consideration.

1949: Executive Board, 3rd Session, 21 Feb - 9 Mar
  • Operating programme: Epidemiological studies: Pestilential diseases: Smallpox. Off rec WHO 18: 134-5.

1950: 3rd World Health Assembly, 8-27 May
  • Minutes of committee meetings: Communicable diseases: Study and stimulation of campaigns: Smallpox. Off Rec WHO 28: 243, 247-8.
  • Resolution WHA3.18: Smallpox. [Requests Centre for testing and standardization of vaccine; greater weight to smallpox in 1952 regular programme].

1951: 4th World Health Assembly, 7-25 May

1953: Executive Board, 11th Session, 12 Jan - 4 Feb
1953: 6th World Health Assembly, 5-22 May
1953: Executive Board, 12th Session, 28-30 May
  • Resolution EB12.R13: Study on campaign against smallpox. [Requests the Director-General to consult with Member States, regional committees and advisory panels concerning WHA6.18.]

1954: Executive Board, 13th Session, 12 Jan - 2 Feb
  • Campaign against smallpox. EB13/50. [Presented to 7th WHA as annex to Campaign against smallpox, A7/P&B7/5]
  • Resolution EB13.R3: Campaign against smallpox. [Requests the Director-General to 1) urge campaigns be integral parts of public health programmes; 2) include field and laboratory studies in WHO's future plans]
1954: 7th World Health Assembly, 4-21 May

1955: 8th World Health Assembly, 10-27 May

1957 10th World Health Assembly, 7-24 May

1958: 11th World Health Assembly, 28 May - 13 Jun
1958: Executive Board, 22nd Session, 16-17 Jun
  • Minutes of committee meetings: Gifts of smallpox vaccines. EB22/Min/1: 27-30.
  • Resolution EB22.R12: Gifts of smallpox vaccine. [Director-General will establish special account to be credited with value of gifts of vaccine; requests Director-General to ensure vaccine donations are of acceptable quality.]

1959: Executive Board, 23rd Session, 20 Jan - 3 Feb
  • Smallpox eradication. EB23/43.
  • Minutes of committee meetings: Smallpox eradication. EB23/Min/17: 472-87.
  • Resolution EB23.R71: Smallpox eradication. [Recommends, where necessary, institution of eradication programmes and assurance of potent stable vaccine; requests the Director-General to collect information on financial requirements of eradication.]
1959: 12th World Health Assembly, 12-29 May

1960: 13th World Health Assembly, 3-20 May

1961: 14th World Health Assembly, 7-24 Feb

1962: 15th World Health Assembly, 8-25 May

1963: Executive Board, 31st Session, 15-28 Jan
1963: 16th World Health Assembly, 7-23 May

1964: 17th World Health Assembly, 3-20 Mar

1965: 18th World Health Assembly, 4-21 May

1966: Executive Board, 37th Session, 18-28 Jan
1966: 19th World Health Assembly, 3-20 May
  • Smallpox eradication programme. Annex 15. Report by the Director-General. Off rec WHO 151: 106-21.
  • Minutes of Committee meetings Smallpox Eradication Programme. Off Rec WHO 152: 258-64, 288-96.
  • Resolution WHA19.16: Smallpox eradication programme. [Decides that WHO's participation in smallpox eradication should be financed from its regular budget and may include supplies, equipment, and services to individual countries]

1967: Executive Board, 39th Session, 17-27 Jan
1967: 20th World Health Assembly, 8-26 May

1968: Executive Board, 41st Session, 23 Jan - 1 Feb
1968: 21st World Health Assembly, 6-24 May

1969: Executive Board, 43rd Session, 18-28 Feb
1969: 22nd World Health Assembly, 8-25 July (Boston)

1970: Executive Board, 45th Session, 20-29 Jan
1970: 23rd World Health Assembly, 5-22 May

1971: Executive Board, 47th session, 19-29 Jan
1971: 24th World Health Assembly, 4-20 May

1972: Executive Board, 49th Session, 18-27 Jan
1972: 25th World Health Assembly, 9-26 May

1973: Executive Board, 51st Session, 16-25 Jan
1973: 26th World Health Assembly, 7-23 May

1974: Executive Board, 53rd Session, 15-25 Jan
1974: 27th World Health Assembly, 7-23 May

1975: Executive Board, 55th Session, 20-31 Jan
1975: 28th World Health Assembly, 13-30 May

1976: Executive Board, 57th Session 14-30 Jan
1976: 29th World Health Assembly, 3-21 May

1977: Executive Board, 59th Session, 13-28 Jan
1977: 30th World Health Assembly, 2-19 May

1978: Executive Board, 61st Session, 11-26 Jan
1978: 31st World Health Assembly, 8-24 May

1979: Executive Board, 63rd Session, 10-25 Jan
1979: 32nd World Health Assembly, 7-25 May

1980: Executive Board, 65th Session, 9-25 Jan
1980: 33rd World Health Assembly, 5-23 May